Ranking of OCA Contributors - 2024

The strength of open-source projects lies in their communities, and the Odoo Community Association (OCA) is no exception. Over the years, OCA has grown into a vibrant ecosystem of developers, contributors, and users working together to improve Odoo for everyone. Today, we want to take a moment to celebrate the incredible individuals who contributed to OCA by submitting Pull Requests (PRs) during 2024.

Contributions come in many forms: bug fixes, feature implementations, documentation improvements, code reviews, and more. Each PR represents time, effort, and expertise shared with the community. We believe in highlighting these contributions to show our gratitude and inspire others to get involved.

For this analysis, we reviewed all merged PRs during 2024. There are, of course, other ways to conduct such an analysis, but we believe this provides a solid foundation.

Contributors by PR Created

Organizations by PR Created


Thank You!

To everyone who has contributed to OCA, whether through PRs, discussions, or other means, we extend our deepest thanks. Your efforts make a difference, and together we are building something extraordinary.

You can explore all the data in the following file:

The Importance of Implementing Tests in Odoo Code