Integración de Odoo con herramientas de declaración de impuestos: Simplificación y automatización del proceso.

When managing a company, a crucial aspect is tax declaration. This critical task tends to be complex and time-consuming if done manually. With business management software like Odoo, it's possible to simplify and automate much of this process through tax declaration generation. This system not only saves time but also reduces errors and ensures compliance with tax obligations.


  1. Time and Resource Saving: By eliminating the need for manual calculations and filling out physical forms, automated generation saves time and resources.
  2. Error Reduction: Process automation reduces the likelihood of human errors, ensuring accuracy in calculations and tax information presentation.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Updated software tools keep tax regulations current, ensuring generated declarations meet current legal requirements.
  4. Increased Control and Visibility: Automated tax declaration generation provides greater control and visibility over the company's financial data, facilitating tracking of payments and tax obligations.

Presentation Files

The Tax Agency allows us to present taxes in two different ways:

  1. Manual introduction
  2. Automated file import

The second option, which is the one we are considering, allows us to present our taxes with a single file that includes all filled boxes. In this case, we only need to verify the amounts and submit the declaration.

Fortunately, we have two ways to generate these documents. On one hand, Odoo provides an integrated solution within its Enterprise package. On the other hand, the Odoo Community Association (OCA) offers a completely different system.

How It Works in Odoo Enterprise

As we may recall from previous posts, although accounting exists in Odoo Community Edition, it is only displayed in Enterprise Edition. In Enterprise Edition, certain reports have been generated that allow us to generate these files. These taxes are generated using tax tags.

The problem with these tags is that, sometimes, they modify the boxes, which can cause issues. The same would happen in the case of creating a new declaration, and obviously, my taxes do not have all these tags.

How It Works with OCA

In the OCA, an alternative system was created to generate these documents. In this case, the main concern was to create reports that could be generated in the future without any alteration and that also allowed us different types of exports according to the regulatory changes of the Tax Agency. For this reason, a mapping system was chosen in which each tax (whether the base or the quota) is linked to a box. So that there can be different mappings according to regulatory changes.

Additionally, with this system, we will have a history of all the models presented, as well as generating some of the necessary accounting movements. Besides, if changes are made to the models during an exercise, we will have no problem, as it will only be necessary to download the latest mapping.


In both proposals, we can achieve our main objective, which is to automate the entire tax filing process. However, personally, I believe it is better to use the OCA's proposal. My opinion is based on two issues. On one hand, I believe that maintaining a history and coherence is important, as well as being more flexible with the entry of new models. On the other hand, I believe that the community of people behind the Spanish tax reports of the OCA, many of them members of the Spanish Odoo Association, is more efficient and faster when making the changes that arise over time.

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