Managing our equipments: Maintenance module

In today's business world, efficiency is key to success. Maintaining equipment, machinery, and assets in optimal working conditions is essential to avoid costly disruptions and maximize productivity. This is where Odoo's maintenance module comes into play, a powerful tool that simplifies and enhances asset maintenance management. Discover how Odoo can help you plan, schedule, and effectively track maintenance tasks, reducing downtime and ensuring the seamless operation of your assets.

Furthermore, to further enhance the capabilities available in Odoo, there are several modules provided by the Odoo Community Association (OCA) that allow us to substantially boost its functionalities.


In Odoo, equipment refers to any item used by a company in its day-to-day operations. This includes manufacturing machinery, tools, and even computers.

The goal is to be able to comprehensively track each of them to manage both corrective actions and preventive activities.

Additionally, we will also define the teams responsible for resolving these incidents, classifying them according to our own organizational structure.

Corrective Maintenance

Corrective maintenance involves addressing unplanned issues related to our equipment. Typically, employees open these incidents regarding their equipment so that maintenance teams can resolve them. The simplest example would be when a computer breaks down. In such a case, we would open an incident for our maintenance team to address.

Preventive Maintenance: Odoo vs. OCA

Preventive maintenance is an action performed on equipment with the goal of preventing future problems. These actions allow us to anticipate potential issues by periodically reviewing the equipment's condition. In Odoo, we can plan a periodic verification system for each piece of equipment, where we can specify the frequency of these actions.

On the other hand, the OCA has defined a planning module that allows us to define various types of incidents for the same piece of equipment. For instance, we could define a plan for machine calibration, another for reviewing the entire lubrication system, and finally, a plan specific to the manufacturer. Naturally, this system is more complex but allows for a much more thorough and detailed tracking of our equipment.

In Odoo and the OCA community, you will find the necessary tools to keep your assets in perfect condition and continue boosting your company's efficiency. Maintenance management has never been as comprehensive and customizable as it is now. Take advantage of these tools and elevate your business to the next level of excellence in asset maintenance!

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