Exploring the Difference between Private Code and Open Source

In the vast world of software development, there are two fundamental approaches to sharing code: private code and open source. Each has its own advantages and challenges, and understanding the difference between them is crucial for making informed decisions when selecting technologies and collaborating on projects. In this article, we'll explore these differences through the prism of Odoo modules.

Private Code vs. Open Source

Private Code

Private code refers to software whose source code is not publicly available and is typically distributed in a closed manner. This means that users cannot view or modify the software code. Developers may opt for the private code model for various reasons, such as protecting intellectual property, maintaining trade secrets, or ensuring a stable revenue stream through licenses.

Open Source Code

Open source, on the other hand, refers to software whose source code is publicly accessible and can be used, modified, and distributed freely by anyone. This approach fosters transparency, collaboration, and community innovation. Open source projects often benefit from a wide base of users and developers who contribute improvements, bug fixes, and new features.

It is often also referred to as community code, as it tends to be managed by developer communities that collaborate more or less actively towards a common goal.

Private Code and Open Source in Odoo

Private Code in Odoo

Some companies may choose to develop custom modules for Odoo and keep the source code of these modules private. This allows them to differentiate themselves from competitors by offering exclusive functionalities.

1. Direct Support from the Provider: By opting for closed-source Odoo modules, companies often receive direct support from the software provider. This means they have access to a team of experts who can provide technical assistance, troubleshoot issues, and ensure stable software operation.

2. Maintenance Responsibility: In closed-source Odoo modules, the creator assumes responsibility for maintaining the module, ensuring its future operation.

Open Source Code in Odoo

On the other hand, many Odoo modules are open source. These modules are publicly available in repositories like GitHub, allowing the developer community to contribute, improve, and customize the modules according to their specific needs.

1. Transparency and Trust: Being open source, Odoo modules allow users to examine the source code to understand how they really work. This builds trust among users, as they can verify the quality of the code, security, and absence of hidden features.

2. Flexibility and Customization: Open-source Odoo modules provide companies with greater flexibility and customization capabilities. Users can modify the modules according to their specific needs, adapt them to business processes, and add new features as required.

3. Active Community and Support: The open-source nature of Odoo fosters an active community of developers, users, and experts who collaborate on the development, maintenance, and support of the modules. This community can provide technical assistance, troubleshoot issues, and share best practices, which is invaluable for companies using Odoo.

4. Reduced Costs: Using open-source Odoo modules can help reduce costs associated with enterprise software development. Instead of creating functionalities from scratch, companies can leverage existing modules and customize them as needed, resulting in significant savings in time and resources.

5. Continuous Innovation: The open-source community fosters continuous innovation by allowing anyone to contribute ideas, improvements, and new features. This ensures that Odoo modules are constantly evolving and can keep up with the latest market trends and needs.


In summary, the difference between private code and open source in the context of Odoo modules reflects the general advantages and challenges associated with each approach in software development. While private code may offer certain benefits in terms of control and monetization, open source promotes transparency, collaboration, and community innovation. When choosing between them, companies should consider their business goals, values, and long-term development needs. In the case of Odoo, the flexibility and modular nature of the platform offer companies the opportunity to leverage the best of both worlds.

However, on a personal level, I would always recommend moving towards an open-source module model whenever possible. In my experience, community modules undergo better testing and validation, as working with multiple teams forces the creation of more robust standards that ensure better code in the long run. This doesn't mean there isn't good proprietary modules for odoo, but, in my opinion, it's not usual.

Accounting Management on Odoo Community