Quality evaluations inside Odoo

Evaluations are a vital component in the quality processes of any company. They are the tool through which the compliance with established standards is analyzed and verified, allowing the identification of areas for improvement and ensuring consistency and effectiveness in all operations. For this reason, it is important to have comprehensive monitoring of these evaluations. Generally, these processes focus on the constant evaluation of the product produced, but there are many other areas to be evaluated. For example, it is highly recommended to conduct evaluations of our employees to identify areas for improvement. Similarly, we should evaluate our key suppliers to analyze if the service provided meets our expectations.

In this context, we have proposed a module within the set of quality modules of OCA that allows us to monitor these evaluations in the simplest way possible.

Flexibility and Customization

One of the key advantages of the OCA quality management module in Odoo is its flexibility and customization capability. With this system, companies can easily define the different types of evaluations they want to use, adapting them to their specific needs and the context of their industry. Additionally, they can predefine certain values that will allow us to guide the evaluation more accurately. Furthermore, we can schedule the evaluations, simplifying our daily work.

How does it work?

When we create an evaluation, it allows us to select the type of evaluation. From there, we can see on which records we can perform it, such as Contacts, employees, or other models. Then we must select the responsible persons for the evaluation, and finally, we will start the evaluation.

An evaluation consists of two separate areas. On one hand, we have the direct feedback from the evaluated person, and on the other hand, the evaluator's private notes. These notes are only available to the evaluators.

Finally, we can give a result to the evaluation and close it.

The configuration of the results, default values, and groups that have access to the information is found in the evaluation template. There, we can also configure the periodicity with which we rerun the evaluation.

Benefits of Using the Evaluation Module

  • Continuous Improvement: By identifying areas for improvement and taking corrective actions promptly, evaluations foster a culture of continuous improvement in the company.
  • Compliance with Standards: By aligning evaluations with the requirements of ISO 9001 standard, companies can ensure compliance with quality standards required by customers and regulations.

In summary, evaluations are an invaluable tool for ensuring high standards of quality in all company operations. This module provides companies with the necessary tools to continuously improve their performance and meet the highest quality standards.

Reasonable Customization
How to Tailor Odoo to Your Company's Needs